Welcome Clinic Owner!
EveryPT.com is made to help patients find you.
Using our site is easy for both patient and provider. Use the same search tool a patient would use to find your clinic in our directory.
Accuracy is important to us!
To update or correct your listing, register with EveryPT.com by providing information so we can verify that this is your clinic.
After you've registered, you can "claim" your complimentary Linked Listing for your clinic (or more if you have multiple clinics). Once we have verified your claim, you will be able to edit your clinic information. This verification will prevent anyone else from modifying your information. If your clinic does not appear in our directory, you will then be able to add it.
We will never sell your email address to anyone else.
This complimentary Linked Listing is absolutely free!
Register me so I can claim my complimentary Linked Listing
We offer three different levels of listings: Basic Listing, complimentary Linked Listing and Enhanced Listing. If you are interested in upgrading your listing, please click here for information on listings.
If you are looking for additional help growing your physical therapy practice, we have a few different options to help you. Be sure to click the link for free resources, online trainings and physical therapy business coaching programs.